Friday 7 November 2014

An old some random thoughts

Above is an image I took a few years back, I was quite interested in long exposure and zoom burst (zooming in or out after clicking the button) those days. I remember going here and there whenever I felt like to, set up my tripod, mount my camera, set the exposure time, click, and then wait to see what I would get. Sometimes, I would have overexposed images that were bad, sometimes I got something that looked okay.

Now this just seems like distant memories and I actually need to think hard to recall how I did long exposure. So very long ago.

As time goes by, some memories would fade. Either that would be memories about the good and pleasant things, or those about stuff that one would rather not to remember, and I don't think we can have much control over what we remember, or what we forget.

I don't know if this is a premonition of some sort or not. These two days I just came to think that in life there are happy moments, and there are sad moments as well. Sometimes, bad things would just happen, when they do, it's often when one's not prepared. Hope I'm just thinking too much.

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